Another Way to Look at Body Language
Most of us are concerned with how others see us, hear us, etc. Equally important is what is going on in our communication with ourselves. The body not only communicates to others; it can tell us about ourselves if we pay attention. So body language is not just non-verbal gestures and movements, it's the language of the body.
I remember when I was first teaching the Alexander Technique (almost 30 years ago), I had the opportunity to meet Louise Hay when she was visiting the West Coast. She had a little book that we all referred to as "the little blue book". It was the first version of her book Heal Your Body. It's a list of diseases and physical problems with their correlating psychological causes.
We can learn a great deal about ourselves by listening to the messages that our bodies our giving us. I teach a workshop "The Body is the Messenger" in which I guide and support people to discover these messages . Once we begin to see and understand these messages, then we can make changes. The changes can heal our bodies AND they can help us to live more fully and authentically.
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